Dr. Huttenhain

Ruth Hüttenhain, PhD
279 Campus Drive W
Beckman Center B105B
Stanford, CA 94305
Ruth obtained a pharmacy degree from the University of Bonn and a PhD from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, where she developed high-throughput, large-scale targeted mass spectrometric approaches. During her postdoc at UCSF, Ruth extended her expertise in quantitative mass spectrometry to study dynamics of interaction networks. She pioneered a proximity labeling-mass spectrometry approach that simultaneously captures the precise temporal remodeling and spatial organization of proximal protein networks with a focus on G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Ruth’s group at Stanford deciphers how GPCRs decode extracellular cues into dynamic and context-specific cellular signaling networks to elicit diverse physiologic responses. She exploits quantitative proteomics to capture the spatiotemporal organization of signaling networks combined with functional genomics to study their impact on physiology. As a Co-Chair of the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee Ruth is committed to promote ECRs and increase the visibility of their research. In her free time, Ruth loves spending time with her son and if time permits you can find her biking, climbing, skiing, or running.